Local Witch Doctor Delicious and Nutritious Herbal Recipes

🌿 Simple Herbal Tincture Recipe

Learn how to make a simple herbal tincture with fresh herbs and high proof alcohol. Store it in amber glass dropper bottles for maximum potency. Find the recipe and instructions here.

Simple Herbal Tincture

You will need:

  • fresh herbs1 cup of fresh herbs
  • high proof alcohol2 cups of high proof alcohol
  • glass jar with airtight lidGlass jar with airtight lid
  • cheeseclothCheesecloth
  • amber glass dropper bottlesAmber glass dropper bottles


  1. First, ensure your fresh herbs are thoroughly washed to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Next, chop the herbs finely to expose more surface area, which will result in a more potent tincture. Place the chopped herbs in your glass jar.
  3. Pour your high proof alcohol over the herbs. It's important that the herbs are completely submerged to prevent mold growth.
  4. Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place. This will be your steeping period, which should last for 4-6 weeks.
  5. Remember to shake your jar daily. This helps to mix the herbs and alcohol, ensuring a consistent infusion.
  6. After the steeping period, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth. This will separate the solid herbs from the liquid tincture. Pour the strained tincture into amber glass dropper bottles for easy use.
  7. Finally, store your tincture in a cool, dark place to maintain its potency.


The potency of your tincture will depend on the type of herbs used and the length of the steeping period. Always label your tinctures with the date and type of herb used.

Unleash the power of nature with our simple, yet effective, herbal tincture recipe. As a cornerstone of herbal medicine, tinctures have been used for centuries to extract the potent healing properties of various herbs. This easy-to-follow guide empowers you to create your own tincture at home, harnessing the benefits of your chosen herbs in a concentrated form.

Whether you're new to the world of herbal remedies or a seasoned herbalist, you might be wondering, What is a herbal tincture? Simply put, a tincture is a concentrated herbal extract. It's a simple and convenient way to take herbal medicines and is especially useful for those herbs that do not taste pleasant in tea form.

Our recipe uses high proof alcohol as a solvent to draw out the medicinal properties of the herbs, but if you're looking for an alcohol-free version, we've got you covered. Check out our guide on how to remove alcohol from herbal tinctures.

When it comes to choosing herbs for your tincture, the world is your oyster. From calming chamomile to immunity-boosting echinacea, the choice is yours. If you're unsure where to start, our article on the best herbal alternatives for common health issues can help guide you.

Once you've mastered the art of the tincture, why not expand your herbal repertoire? We have a wealth of DIY guides to creating tasty and healthy herbal recipes, from soothing teas to nourishing salves.

Remember, the potency of your tincture will depend on the type of herbs used and the length of the steeping period. Always label your tinctures with the date and type of herb used. So, why wait? Start your herbal journey today and discover the magic of tinctures!